Walabot is a 3D imaging sensor that lets you uncover things hidden in the world around you. With a Walabot, you are able to look through walls, objects and materials therefore the device lends itself to use within the inspection process. Walabot uses radio frequency for it detection and was initially invented for early detection of breast cancer. Walabot has won many awards at prestigious conferences such as CES 2016, MWC 2016 etc. Get more details at www.walanot.com and check out their cool videos.

HomeInspeKtor saw the possibilities of using Walabot early enough and is the first organization in India to order one. We will receive the Walabot soon – watch this space for all the fun things that we will be able to do with a Walabot.



Sudhindra Naib

Serial Entrepreneur with 15+ years of experience in Solution Management and Technology Leadership. CoFounded 4 companies. 2 patents held. I love innovating.