electricity-1835546_1280There are interesting similarities between Power and Water supplies:

– Like water supply from utility companies, we also get power supply from distribution companies. 

– We have water meters similar to power meters.

– We store water in tank/overhead tank to use after the supply. In a similar manner we use UPS which supplies the power. Even though UPS will give required supply voltage of 240V but that need not be smooth for various reasons. There are chances of power surge and other abnormalities which may or may not be essential depending upon the load or equipments connected to it.

– For optimum use, water supply needs good plumbing connections without leakages and short term options. Similarly electrical supply needs good certified and engineered connections by certified electricians and approved components only, such as IS1293 for plugs and sockets at last mile.

Sudhindra Naib

Serial Entrepreneur with 15+ years of experience in Solution Management and Technology Leadership. CoFounded 4 companies. 2 patents held. I love innovating.